
donderdag 12 december 2013

christmas contest, win a baby

Hello everyone,  its name guess contest

Christmas is alway,s al very special time... a time with fun, familiy, nice holiday,s, christmastree,

I have make a new contest, i make a new baby and give her a name zo everyone guess her name and she is /he is the lucky winner ... you win a new special baby..... a baby at your wish    you can choice her color hair, hairstyle, color clothe,s and if you want a baby boy ore girl!!!!

i wish everybody a very special nice and christmas and alle the goods for the next new year....

good luck!!!
i like it when you leave a nice coment ore christmas wish!

greetings Petra

woensdag 4 december 2013

Hello everyone,

The last day,s i start to make clay mini,s....
and more baby,s!
The dog is for a nice lady who want a miniature of her own dog.
The cupcake,s and bonbons, cookies, eclairs are for the christmas home.
The macarons are a tryout nice for the bakery shop?
and the christmas pudding will come in the home of santa

greetings Petra

keep my site watching a new miniature baby give a way contest is coming soon.!!

zondag 8 september 2013

new baby,s

Hello everyone,

longtime no hear ore see of me.... i am a long time now for de 4e week in the hospital with a very bad pneumonia en infection of the stomic, and the astma is very bad on this moment.
But some times here i make new baby,s..... for people who needed a lucky baby

 baby Francien, she living with  Monique,
 baby Mathilde is living by tiety
 Strawberry baby is living by Wieke,
 Baby Mylan is living by Willemien,
 Baby Veerle is living by Ynte,
 baby Pebbles is living by Tinie,
 baby Claire is living by Anneke
bgaby boy is living by Gj

have a nice sunday,

greetings Petra

zondag 26 mei 2013

new flower baby,s

Hello everyone,

Here are now new flowerbaby,s, some baby,s i can,t make photo,s of them, there are gone to new adress, baby Rose is goinging to live in Schotland.

donderdag 16 mei 2013

new baby,s, flower baby,s

Hello Everyone,

I made the last week new baby,s and more baby,s are on the way, i have a lot of ideas and work them out now, look here are the first two new flower baby,s shamrock billy, and lavender Lilly.

greetings Petra

zondag 5 mei 2013

roof, tiles, inside and outside


I am has more items made for the shop and the roof tiles, and floor upstair,s and gardenflowers, i made a wisteria and butterfly flower, i love to do that, flower making.
I made for the shop inside, bottels, and a iron basket filled with old brcante cards from Paris, pictureframe with picture,  i have idea,s enough .....but the time........... i want 48 ours on a day! you to?

greetings and hug....


vrijdag 19 april 2013

littele angels, bistroset with flower

Hello Here a new update, today i finished for outside the bistroset with flower (hortensia) and very tiny angels, they are for the shop, and perhaps for decoration  we will see that later.

the angels are very tiny just almost 1 cm.

have a very nice weekend.

greetings Petra

donderdag 18 april 2013

Hello Everyone,

Longtime you didn,t hear from me, ore see anything, but now i am the last week working on my Dollhouse, i painted it, make floors etc, in the Zaans home is a coming a brocante shop, i make the last month,s little item for this shop.
The roof tiles are not finished yet, i make the tiles from eggboxes, you can understand i has now eat more eggs... i needed the tiles.

for now greetings and bigggg hug.


vrijdag 25 januari 2013

baby Isa

Hello everyone,

When i was in the hospital i meet a nice lady, she asked if i want to make her granddaughter in mini
of course i lake that challenge!!!
today i sent it to here, i like Isa very match.

greetings petra

donderdag 24 januari 2013

food in the dollhouse

Hello everyone,

You have see me not for a longtime, i was so long in the hospital the last time 7 weeks included christmas,
but i did a lot of thinking in that time, reading a lot and got many indea,s!!!
And just the last day,s i got the fimo virus...i make a lot of items, meat, salade, carrot,s, tomato,s, cheese,s, pizza, pudding, macarons, and pie, this is the first parts that wa sbeen ready today, the rest in still in the oven.
I was also started to paint the window,s and doors from the little shop/home.

for now greetings and have a nice day
